Students talking in a classroom

Swedish for immigrants (sfi)

At sfi, you who are an adult immigrant get to learn the Swedish language at a basic level. If you can't read and write, you'll have to learn that too.

Apply for sfi

If you live in Stockholm

Beginner in Swedish

If you are a total beginner in Swedish or know a little Swedish, you can sign up via the form or by contacting or visiting us.

Regular studies in sfi

If you are a total beginner in Swedish and have higher education, you register via online registration.

Fast track application to sfi

Intensive studies in Swedish

If you have a longer educational background and meet the criteria for intensive language studies, you apply for intensive studies in Swedish.

Do you want to apply for sfi, a komvux course or a vocational education that is not available in the City of Stockholm? Then you may apply to study in another municipality.

  1. Contact the adult education center in the municipality where you want to study.
  2. Fill in the application form they will give you. Tell us why you want to study in that municipality.
  3. Send the form to the Center for adult education at Rosenlundsgatan 52 or email it to us.

If you want to study sfi in the Stockholm municipality, but live in another municipality, you can apply to study in Stockholm. 

  1. Print out the form Application to sfi in the City of Stockholm.
  2. Fill in the form and tell us why you want to study in the City of Stockholm. 
  3. Submit the form to those responsible for adult education in your municipality.

Apply for sfi in Stockholms stad (Swedish form) (pdf)

This is how you study sfi

Our schools

You can find information about our sfi schools, what study paths they offer and where the schools are located on our Swedish website.

Frequently asked questions

  • You must be registered in the municipality of Stockholm. Otherwise you need to contact the Adult Education in your municipality.
  • You must have a residence permit and you must be at least 16 years old. 
  • You should have received your Swedish personal identity number.  

EU/EEA Citizens or Citizens of Switzerland

If you are an EU/EEA citizen or citizen of Switzerland and a resident in Stockholm municipality you can study sfi. Be prepared to show your passport. 

The number of hours for each course is individual. The total time of the study path may therefore vary, but from course A to course D (to complete the entire sfi) can take just over five years if you study 15 hours a week.

Most of the schools offer lessons for both day and evening hours. The daytime courses are Monday-Friday, 20 hours a week. While evening courses are about 2-3 times a week, approximately 6-9 hours a week. If you have specific reasons, you might be given a customised timetable.

When you complete a course, you are given a grade. Grades from course D will be sent to you. If you want your grades from courses A, B and C you need to contact your school.

If you have higher education, post secondary vocational education or upper secondary education, from another country, we recommend you to contact the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR), for an assessment of your grades.

If you need a copy of a grade that was issued before July 1st 2016, please contact Vuxenutbildningscentrum.

If you need information in other languages, please send us an email
