
Learn Swedish while doing a vocational education at upper secondary school level. You do an internship, learn the professional language and get good chances for a job.

Our combination programmes

Information in Swedish.

How combo works

You study full-time, of which 30 hours a week at school plus your own school work. The studies keep a fast pace as you study Swedish together with a vocational education at upper secondary school level. You have the right to apply for student funding from CSN, and the education is free.

Workplace-based learning (APL) is included in the education. During that period, you must follow your supervisor's working hours. This may mean that you start early in the morning, or that you work evenings and weekends.

Call us

Phone hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 09.00–11.00
Irregular phone hours
Good Friday April 18 – closed
Easter Saturday April 19 – closed
Easter April 20 – closed
Easter Monday April 21 – closed
Telephone 08-508 35 400
Email form
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