Open House at SIFA



Location: Blekingegatan 55

Welcome to our Open House to learn tips and tricks when working in Sweden.

If you are new in Sweden, there are some rules and social norms in the workplace that may be good for you to know.

Welcome to our Open House to learn tips and tricks when working in Sweden. Among other things, you will learn about the Swedish labor law and why you should never reheat fish in the microwave.

SIFA (Stockholms intensivsvenska för akademiker) offers intensive studies in Swedish for those who have a longer educational background from their home country and are accustomed to studying at a high pace.

Welcome House provides help and support new arrivals living in the City of Stockholm. They provide access to various activities and public authorities.

Study and vocational guidance counselors, job coaches, admissions staff and Swedish teachers are on site to help you.

And as usual, we treat all guests to Swedish fika.

The event is free of charge, sign up by attending our Facebook event!